Sunday, April 24, 2011



-- 从加里宁格勒探测波兰与俄罗斯的脉搏

来到加里宁格勒(Kaliningrad )学俄语 ——与欧盟国家波兰和立陶宛接壤的俄罗斯飞地 ,仍然乐此不疲参加一些国际论坛或会议。去年秋天出席两个关于考古和文物保留、以及城市建设的会议,故意不听翻译就是为了加强听力,专业的术语听得我两个耳朵都要竖到头顶了。日前到俄罗斯外交部出席一个俄波两国外交官对话的系列论坛,此情此景似是陌生,又是熟悉。原本没有采访的企图,却本能的把越来越听懂的官方俄语给抄下来。不过距离完全听懂的境界,路还很远。







三月份在加里宁格勒出版的俄语月刊“观点”在文章“欧盟的心脏将在华沙跳动”,总结第一次的会谈时表示,两地的与会者都不否认,两国一直缺乏互信,但大家一致认为既然共同生活在这片土地上,就必须加深对近邻的历史和现状的了解,否则两国未来的关系就更不好说了。在会议上讨论有关加深两个近邻关系的具体建议,以促进加里宁格勒和波兰边境地区两地人民的往来。这包括实践免签往来、探讨季节性开放波兰境内连接加里宁格勒的“ 波罗的沙嘴”(Baltic spit or Vistula spit)。这将有助于启动俄罗斯在该处的旅游消闲计划,目前波兰的内海湾已经具备渡轮和游艇设施。






Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We remember Yuri Gagarin (Ю́рий Алексе́евич Гага́рин)

The famous smile of Gagarin. Pure, honest and joyous.

A cherished collection of postcard of my teacher in Kaliningrad, Irina Sergeevna.

An April day's journey to pay respect to Yuri Gagarin.

This tree was planteded by the twice awarded Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut, Yuri Romanenko.
One of the three cosmonauts who used to live in Kaliningrad.

If you are studying Russian language, besides Chekhov or Tchaikovsky, you should also know about Yuri Gagarin. A few years ago, my teacher in Singapore Katya introduced me to him when we covered important dates in the Russian calendar. In the mindscape of Russian people, Gagarin is a giant, he forever will be. She spoke with amazement of Gagarin as if its a crime that I did not already know about him. I was too americanized in that sense, I only knew Neil Armstrong!

Yuri Gagarin (9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Soviet-era pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human being to journey into outer space, when his "Vostok" spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961, which was exactly 50 years ago on this day.

Gagarin became an international celebrity, and was awarded many medals and honours, including Hero of the Soviet Union, the nation's highest honour. "Vostok" marked his only spaceflight, but he served as backup crew to the "Soyuz" mission. Gagarin died in 1968 when a training jet he was piloting crashed.

On this day, people place flowers at the monument in Kaliningrad that commemorate the achievements of famous cosmonauts who used to live here. Young children paid tribute with flowers as a group with guidance from the teachers. On TV and newspapers were stories and programs devoted to him.

In the morning my teacher came and decided that we shall read about Gagarin. According to the Russian text, Gagarin was chosen into a group of 20 pilot-cosmonauts, who "were ordinary, not the best of the best" as the risk was too high. The common traits among them was that they were of small build. Gagarin's life was pretty ordinary before his flight to the outer space. USSR received news that USA was going to launch their space ship on the 20th of April, hence in the true spirit of competition, the Soviet authorities decided to launch "Vostok" a few days earlier. And Gagarin was the chosen one.

At that time, the Soviet painted three scenarios. Firstly, it was successful, secondly, the spacecraft loses connection and descends into the taiga forest or ocean, in that case USSR will enlist international assistance in the search of the cosmonaut. Lastly, they were prepared that he will die a tragic death. But the last two scenarios did not materialize. Gagarin flew back heroically and gained global fame. His life was changed forever.

With the instant glory, people wondered if he could overcome the weight of fame. Gaining fame in space, his life on earth became somewhat difficult. He received endless invitations from friends, from you-know-where and refusal would only put him in bad shape.

However, the ordinary, honest Gagarin did not move too far from his true self. Once he was driving in his "Volga" red car, a gift from the state. He met with an accident with an old pensioner on the road. With his celebrity status, the policeman was too excited to pass him a ticket and prepared to let him go. But Gagarin refused the offer and came back to the site and ''upheld justice".

After this incident, he knew he had to change and he did. He got back to work and prepared for another flight mission in space ship "Soyuz". However he died in a fatal training session, not an unusual mishap in training endeavours. The last sentence of the article was such: Destiny has it that, in the memory of humankind, he will forever remain young. (Судьба хотела, чтобы в памяти человечества он навсегда остался молодым )

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Give me the foxy look! (In love with Russian fur hat)

I was "styled'" by the helpful shop-owner of a fur-hat shop at the central market.

My personal collection, also my first, and surely not the last fur hat.

A user-friendly fur hat ordered online from China, I was told its faux rabbit fur.

I realize I look extremely happy and at home with fur hats.

If you are not convinced, my happiness is genuine and inexplicable. I could have been born with it.

My favourite so far, it costs 4600 roubles. (1 SGD gives you 22 roubles). No, I have not bought it yet!

The modest fur-hat shop in Kaliningrad. From the same shop, I bought for dad a fur cap from Turkey last year.

This is one from a friend's collection. Fox hair!
The shop owner strongly recommended this so called stylish fox-fur hat. But I beg to differ, even my face showed a tinge of steely resistance.

The lighting of the shop was specially adjusted to get a great picture of the pride of the shop! But I am sure I look freakish.

Well, this is ushanka - or ear-flap cap that we are looking for.
My mission of the day, to try on a fur-hat for my friend's wife in Italy. It is the 'in' thing for winter in Europe. We must buy it!

Today I had a mission. Boris needed to buy a fur hat for Elly. Fur hats are very popular in Italy, hence a pretty woman must possess one, especially one of genuine fox fur from Russia.
So my mission was to try on for Elly! I happily obliged! As told, I will send her the pictures for her to pick the one she like, or more than one that she wants!

The shop-owner was extremely friendly, he became a stylist and insisted that I tried on all he thought that would suit me.

I suddenly felt a revelation. I felt I should have been born in Russia at least once in my past life, or lives. I need to live in winter, especially Russian winter...

A bit about Russian fur hat. An ushanka is a Russian fur cap with ear flaps that can be tied up to the crown of the cap, or tied at the chin to protect the ears from the cold. In the English-speaking world, it is referred to as a shapka, from the Russian language word for "hat". Ushanka literally translates as "ear-flaps hat".

And I could tell you more stories about fur hats, but I need to rush for a dinner date!