"左雅 + 瓦西亚 = 爱情"
Running through the heart of Kaliningrad city, the silvery Pregol River witnessed many newly-weds who left their uniquely designed padlocks at the bridges near Fishermen's Village,as a testimony to their new life ahead.
Love conquers all. Really?
They are going to celebrate their first year anniversary?
Sergey and Irina were married two weeks ago when the picture was taken. Congrats!
Marriage could either bring happiness or ruin your life.
俄罗斯人也如是说婚姻: 它可能带来幸福,也可能毁了你的人生。
Говорят русские, что брак (замужество) может сделать человека счастливым, а может испортить жизнь. Что Вы думаете?
Viewing the tranquil Pregol River from heights.
ReplyDelete“愛情枷鎖” sounds negative (bondage of love).
ReplyDeleteIn mainland China, one find such "locks" too. They are aptly called "同心鎖" .