Shafiq is my neighbour next door at room 313. I live in 311. He comes from Kabul, Afghanistan, studying Computer Science. Barely speaks Russian now, he is also attending Russian lessons.
As I was too busy to take pictures of my own perestroika, I got his permission to chronicle the process of renovating his room.
While some students accepted wholesale what was left of the room, people like me and Shafiq had no choice but to renovate it ourselves. I finished mine about two weeks earlier, and he started much later, waiting for the older brother from Netherlands to visit him and give a helping hand.
Firstly, it started with peeling off the wallpaper. Secondly, smoothened the surface of the wall. Thirdly, cut the desired length of wallpaper for the room. This has proven to be a faster but somehow messy way. Within a few hours, they completed pasting the wallpapers.
What they did was exactly what I went through, with help of my good neighbors from China, we did the wallpapers in a days' time. All I did was to either pass them the brush or pail of glue, and swept and mopped the floor thereafter. I was lucky indeed.
For a room that is almost cost-free, and the freedom to decorate and renovate in any way you like, I experience Russian perestroika with great anticipation. In life, so many things are readily made for us, so comfortable and yet became so soon mundane and routine, we seem to lose the space to maneuver, in way that we would like it to be. Hence, despite the sweat and labor, I relished this unique brand of perestroika, even it is only to reform a physical aspect of our lives - a reasonably comfortable room.
Shafiq with his new room is seemingly in great mood, as I could hear his singing that has become more frequent, and today he even performed playing flute together at the corridor with Sajjad.
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