Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gastronomic Diary: 8 (My Asian Kitchen)

Stir-fry pork with red pepper and broccolli, tomato soup and egg and mushroom. A simple Chinese meal.

Russians like preserved fish too. I chopped them into bits and fried it the Chinese way, as what you see in this Hong-Kong style fried rice with choice of diced chicken or pork.

Soup prepared the Chinese way with pork ribs, onions, potatoes and carrots, complete with marinated chicken wings and sausage. Leafy vegetables are rare here, hence cucumbers became the evergreen in my diet.

I love to fry tomatoes with eggs, but I did it wrongly, the tomatoes should be in bigger pieces.

Frozen prawns only in my part of Kaliningrad, didn't taste that bad afterall!

A little garnishing will always do wonders!

I could live anywhere in the world as I could turn anywehre into my Asian Kitchen.


  1. Hi, Lishan,
    You mean you can get those fresh food on the local market, for preparing those Asian dishes?

  2. not bad, you can cook to ease your homesickness.

  3. 一天没有吃饭都有活不下去的感觉!!!

  4. your recipes give me inspiration.
    I am running out of ideas what to cook!

  5. Just buzz me if you need help! I have lots of ideas,I could cook without ginger and black soya sauce...I only have light soya suace and seasame oil. And now I could cook perfectly without the rice cooker.
